Welcome message from the new President

It is an honour for me to have been elected as new president of the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology for the triennia 2023-2026 and a high responsibility and challenging as well.
I am following Professor Hrvoje Brkic in the role of I.O.F.O.S. I am inheriting from him and his predecessors an organization which is well known and makes a mark in the forensic odontology community. The organization under their leadership was developed as a strong organization with an internationalization and scientific strategic vision. This makes my role very challenging. It also puts a burden on me to transfer the organization to the next President in the excellent shape I inherited.
I am elected President together with a new Executive Board, members of which is diverse and very capable to achieve the I.O.F.O.S. goals. Together with the Executive Board we will aim to make our community grow, improve the education on forensic odontology and improve the scientific research on forensic odontology supporting the forensic experts on their professional institutions and supporting the new forensic odontologist.
Our organization is celebrating this year the 50th anniversary of a continuous record contributing to the scientific progress of Forensic Odontology all over the world.
On behalf of new elected Executive Board, I can only promise all our efforts to try to achieve the goals propose at the last General Assembly of I.O.F.O.S., 9 September 2023 Dubrovnik, so we can progress towards a better forensic odontology. Making the I.O.F.O.S. a much more inclusive organization and paying particular attention to the young people who have come into the organization since this last meeting. I can only promise all my efforts to try to achieve these aims. We dream with an organization where experts of the different fields of our discipline from all the countries can feel at home, exchanging ideas and knowledge so we can progress towards a better forensic odontology and therefore to a better and strong justice. The creation of best practices in each area of forensic odontology has been a crucial step forward. Quality education and research is the cornerstone for the advancement of all scientific fields. With all of these in mind, I’m committed and dedicated to achieving the best for a better future of I.O.F.O.S.
Warmest regards,
Cristiana Palmela Pereira
I.O.F.O.S. President
24 September 2023