The History of JFOS

The forerunner of the current journal was the International Journal of Forensic Dentistry, published between July 1973 and April 1977. There was a six years break with no publications in the area of forensic odontology. Then, in June 1983, the Volume 1 of the new Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology was published in South Africa under the editorship of Professor H.A. Shapiro. After his death in 1984 the editorial responsibilities were taken over by the local Editorial Board members in Cape Town, South Africa.
 At the 1987 IOFOS General Assembly in Vancouver was adopted the proposal to make this journal the official publication of I.O.F.O.S.. The editorship of the journal moved from South Africa to the Forensic Odontology Unit of The University of Adelaide, Australia, and Dr. Cyril Thomas in Sydney was appointed the editor, a position held until December 2003. Dr. Helen James of the Forensic Odontology Unit of The University of Adelaide held the editorship from January 2004 until December 2007. In 2008 the Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology moved into a new era, discontinuing the printed version for an on-line one. The JFOS issues are openly available without subscription on the dedicated page of the IOFOS website.

The initial transition from the printed to the electronic edition was proficiently handled by a new editor, Jules Kieser, who handed over the reigns to Dr Judy Hinchliffe at the beginning of 2010.
The JFOS editor from 2011 to 2017 was Prof. Patrick Thevissen (Belgium), helped by a partially renewed Editorial staff. Dr. Stefano Garatti took on the role of JFOS webmaster in 2011.

Prof. Vilma Pinchi (Italy) took the position of Editor in 2017 with dr. Douglas Sheasby (UK) and Francesco Pradella (Italy) as Assistant Editors.

The Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (JFOS) is refereed, fully indexed in the largest data bases as PubMed-MEDLINE, PubMed Central, Scopus and EBSCO. The JFOS is a high quality international journal which has been regularly published twice a year from 1983 to 2018. From 2019 the Journal is regularly published three times a year (April, August, December).

The areas of forensic odontology covered in the journal are Research, Case Reports, Reviews and Techniques.

The submissions are subjected to a blind review procedure by internationally accredited peer reviewers.