I.O.F.O.S. Patronage of events
Internal Rules for the Patronage/Accreditation of Continuing Education and Training Activities organized by I.O.F.O.S
The trends towards growth and diversification of continuing training activities whichare the subject of application for accreditation by the International Organization of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (I.O.F.O.S), justifies the purpose of harmonizing the general guidelines that should serve as a foundation for each I.O.F.O.S Executive Board member contribution towards the mutual goal that is intended to guide, hence it is necessary to decide, issue the corresponding opinion on a case-by-case basis, for each application accreditation or non-accreditation.
It is essential to clarify the objectives and characteristics of positive decisions, aligning their premises with I.O.F.O.S norms, rules, principles and institutional policy as an entity with a public mission and vision.
Schedule and methodology
In December 6th, 2023, the External Events Scientific Patronage/Accreditation Regulation and Standards for Continuing Education and Training Activities was approved and published by I.O.F.O.S Executive Board in Regulation n.º 1/2023.
Internal Rules have been adopted from the previously document and established the Executive Board of I.O.F.O.S’s core understanding of issuing opinions on the patronaged/accreditation of activities that are the subject of an application. Following the consensus of all those present, these rules and standards were voted by the I.O.F.O.S Executive Board in order to reiterate their meaning in the format of an I.O.F.O.S deliberation.
1 – Regulation n. º 1/2023, of December 2023, governs in all matters that are omitted or regulated in an incipient manner in these guidelines. This regulation is applicable to the events organized by I.O.F.O.S as well.
– IOFOS Patronage Application form.docx
– IOFOS Patronage Application form.pdf
– IOFOS patronage external events.pdf
– IOFOS Patronage_logo_manual.pptx
-Request “IOFOS events logo” for flyers and documents of the events by mail at webmaster@iofos.eu