The Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) has been responsible for the international promotion of forensic odonto-stomatology since 1968, and it has included this area of dentistry in all FDI activities. Five years after the FDI’s decision to recognize forensic odonto-stomatology as a new field, the pioneers met to organize themselves as the International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS). They have decided to use well-defined, deliberate ways of working that are well-aligned with the objectives. In Paris in 1973 they elected Professor Gosta Gustafson from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden as the first president of IOFOS.
Over the past half-century, IOFOS has prospered and grown into a strong international organization with clearly defined goals:
(a) To provide a liaison between societies of (legal) forensic odontology on a global basis.
(b) To promote goodwill, advancement and research in forensic odontology.
(c) To publish a newsletter on a regular basis.
With these goals, IOFOS began in 1973 with the publication of the International Journal of Forensic Dentistry, which was the forerunner of today’s Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology.